By purchasing a car insurance policy from APlus Insurance, you agree to these terms and conditions. Please read them carefully.
Types of Coverage: Your policy may include liability, collision, comprehensive, personal injury protection, uninsured/underinsured motorist, and other optional coverages. Coverage Limits: The limits of your coverage are detailed in your policy documents. It is your responsibility to understand these limits and ensure they meet your needs. Exclusions: Certain incidents and damages may not be covered. Refer to your policy for a complete list of exclusions.
Payment Schedule: Premiums are due as specified in your policy documents. Failure to pay on time may result in cancellation of coverage. Refunds: Refunds for canceled policies will be prorated based on the unused portion of the premium, minus any applicable fees.
Filing a Claim: In the event of an accident or loss, notify us as soon as possible. You can file a claim by contacting our customer service or using our online portal. Claim Investigation: We may investigate claims to determine coverage eligibility and the amount of compensation. Cooperation with the investigation is required. Claim Settlement: We will settle claims based on the terms of your policy and the findings of our investigation.
Amendments: Any changes to your policy must be agreed upon by both parties and documented. This includes changes to coverage limits, deductibles, and other policy terms. Renewal: Policies are subject to annual renewal. We will notify you of any changes to terms or premiums before your policy's renewal date.
By Policyholder: You may cancel your policy at any time by providing written notice. Refunds will be processed according to our refund policy. By Insurer: We reserve the right to cancel your policy for reasons including non-payment, fraud, or significant changes in risk. We will provide notice as required by law.